Artistes chinois par Michel Nau - Zhang Zhenyu  张震宇   





Zhang Zhenyu




Zhang Zhenyu  张震宇  -  portrait  -  chinesenewart




Zhang Zhenyu  张震宇 naît dans la Province du Hunan  Chine.


Il étudie à l'Académie Centrale des Beaux-Arts, Beijing ( section Peinture à l'huile )



Il obtient son diplôme de la C.A.F.A.

2007 / 2008

Il gratte la une des journaux du quotidien du Peuple puis du China Daily,  pour leur enlever


toute fonction d'information.



Il utilise la poussière des rues de la ville comme matériau dans ses oeuvres,


( rappel de la pollution et conséquence du rapide développement urbain de la Chine. )


Il la broie, pour obtenir une surface brillante, lisse et enfumée.

  Il vit et travaille à Beijing.

Danièle Sicard



expositions individuelles  sélection



08.12 23.01 Xun Art Gallery Beijing  Chine


30.07 09.09 Dust Chengdu Contemporary Art Museum Chengdu   Chine


Dust II Yallay Galerie Hong Kong   Chine


expositions collectives  sélection



19.05 31.07 On Gallery Beijing  Chine


21.12 28.02 Omnipresent Concrete Hunsand Space Beijing  Chine


15.06 15.07 XXL Art Paris Beijing On Gallery Beijing  Chine


Post- Calligrpahy in ChineseContemporary Art Kunstraum Villa Friede Bonn  Allemagne


Chinese New Painting at Post-Financial Crisis Era Musée Changjiang Changjiang  Chine


34.09 25.10 Natural Growth Chimney Art Center Shanghai  Chine


30.10 02.11Trace Tang Contemporary Art  Hong Kong  Chine


08.11 12.11 Shanghai Contemporary Art fair Art 021 Shanghai  Chine



Zhang Zhenyu  张震宇


Zhang Zhenyu  张震宇


Zhang Zhenyu  张震宇


Zhang Zhenyu  张震宇



© Zhang Zhenyu  张震宇- catalogue Dust   Zhang Zhenyu  
  Catalogue accompagnant l'exposition Dust  

Richard Koh Fine Art,  Kuala Lumpur 

  28.10 18.11 2016  
  en chinois, en anglais  
  21 p  



Zhang Zhenyu  张震宇 - 08.12 2012  23.01 2013  Xun Art Gallery  Beijing

张震宇作品展  -  Zhang Zhenyu's Solo Art Exhibition 
08.12 2012  23.01 2013  Xun Art Gallery  Beijing


 Zhang Zhenyu  张震宇 - Dust

灰尘  Dust  -  张震宇  Zhang Zhenyu
30.07 09.09 2016  Museum of Contemporary Art  Chengdu






I often see the charm in sparkling dust. Dust has always been the substance closest to our life. It’s


nature and everywhere. It joins cycle of human’s body with the breath… When it falls down,accumulating  


intoa thick and dirty form at the same time becoming so light which often being ignored. I also see how


urban dirty form at the same time becoming so light which often being ignored. I also see how urban


development  changed the dust’s nature and lightness, all becomes complex, it’s synonym of desire,


disease and desperation...Through gathering dust, burnish and polish it repeatedly,the canvas showed


a mirror effect, the question I’d like  to raise is exactly what you see through it ? At the beginning of my


creation of this series, I tried to use the simplest media, only dust and glue, and labor myself heavily


to achieve the mirror effect that I wish to show in  the work.  This is how dust eventually is fixed on the


canvas, losing its lightness forever,but carrying an extra mission of reflecting what things truly are


Zhang Zhenyu



 Reproduction interdite © chinesenewart  Paris    Mentions légales